Committee Positions Page
What's this all about?
Welcome to our committee and officer's page. This is a great way to get to know the various position within our club that involve officers positions, committee or chairperson's positions and what their job entails. Before even coming to a meeting, you could easily identify these people and know exactly what it is they do within the club. We encourage everyone to know who these folks are, as when you have ideas, suggestions, information, questions or problems, you then know who it is you need to speak with and can assist you. So please take a moment to browse through the menu below and read about our wonderful people. Without them and the wonderful members, this club couldn't be the success it is today!
Check Out Our Club Positions!
Positions Menu:
1st VP of Field Trips | 1st VP of Programs | Show Chairperson
Sunshine Chairperson | Dealer Chairperson | Newsletter Editor
Shop Foreman | Web Manager