Meet Our Newsletter Editor!

 Bert Pool

Bert Pool joined FWGMC in September, 2018, and soon assumed the role of newsletter editor. It was on a recent field trip to the Terlingua area that he purchased his first trilobite at a rock shop, and has since become somewhat addicted to collecting the fossilized little critters. Bert first got interested in rocks as a middle-schooler, collecting fossilized wood and ammonites with his grandfather, who had a lapidary shop in his back yard. Bert polished his first cab when he was twelve, but stopped collecting when his grandfather passed away. Forty-one years passed, as a long-time employee of AT&T, and Bert decided, after retirement, that now would be a good time to revisit that cherished old hobby. Bert brings to the club some technical skills, including computers, engineering and electronics, and a life-long fascination with light and optics. He is interested in the optical properties of different minerals and crystals, and gems, and what better club to belong to than one whose very name embodies both Minerals and Gems!

Check Out Our Club Positions!

 Positions Menu:

Club President |  Club Secretary |  Club Treasurer | 
1st VP of Education |  2nd VP of Field Trips |  3rd VP of Programs | 
Show Chairperson   Sunshine Chairperson |  Dealer Chairperson | 
Newsletter Editor  Shop Foreman | 

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