Meet Our Show Chair!
Glenda Bradley
Glenda Bradley joined the club in late 2015 and became Treasurer at the beginning of 2021
after retirement from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Glenda always had an interest in pretty
rocks and is enjoying learning what can be done with them through different classes at the club
and other more knowledgeable club members. She also enjoys being the Show Chair for the
club’s annual gem and mineral show held in May of each year.
In addition to her participation in the club, her outside interests include wood carving and
showing her Quarter Horse and Miniature Horses. Unfortunately, the horses keep her from
going on overnight field trips with the club, which she is constantly reminded after each one how
much fun they are.
Check Out Our Club Positions!
Positions Menu:
1st VP of Education | 2nd VP of Field Trips | 3rd VP of Programs |
Show Chairperson Sunshine Chairperson | Dealer Chairperson |
Newsletter Editor Shop Foreman |